Author: Keith Giemre
Pages: 66
Publisher: Keith Giemre
Publication Date: 2018
Similar to all of the author’s previous books, I and my Father are One continues to be in the theme of body, mind and soul. This book in addition to examining certain Bible chapters, also delves more deeply into author, Keith Giemre’s interactions with the Holy Spirit, including his anointing with oil in October 2017.
Keith continues to be overwhelmed by how much the word in the Bible has changed in his eyes each time he reads a chapter out of it. It is almost as though scales are being removed from his eyes each time he reads a chapter. Taking a page daily of one of his Recalling the Word books, has often answered in one of the readings an aspect of the Bible that he had been contemplating.
This book includes details of an amazing experience concerning a spiritual detour on the way to Australia in 2017; as well as the author’s experience of winning a lottery jackpot together with the events that gave rise to the win; and how he arrived at a communication method with the Holy Spirit. It also continues to highlight the many ongoing synchronicities in his daily life.
There is much in the book that you will find challenges your thinking as well as being an enjoyable, easy read. We all have free will which comes with consequences. Choose life, and enjoy it to the full, spreading your light and love to all you meet.
Keith continues to be overwhelmed by how much the word in the Bible has changed in his eyes each time he reads a chapter out of it. It is almost as though scales are being removed from his eyes each time he reads a chapter. Taking a page daily of one of his Recalling the Word books, has often answered in one of the readings an aspect of the Bible that he had been contemplating.
This book includes details of an amazing experience concerning a spiritual detour on the way to Australia in 2017; as well as the author’s experience of winning a lottery jackpot together with the events that gave rise to the win; and how he arrived at a communication method with the Holy Spirit. It also continues to highlight the many ongoing synchronicities in his daily life.
There is much in the book that you will find challenges your thinking as well as being an enjoyable, easy read. We all have free will which comes with consequences. Choose life, and enjoy it to the full, spreading your light and love to all you meet.