About Keith

Welcome to my life!

An out of body experience at age 12 made me realise that all is not as it seems, but only much later did I really sit down to think about my life and what it all means.


enjoyed an expansive and vibrant international accounting career culminating in my appointment as Executive Chairman of South African media giant, Primedia Broadcasting. Now retired, I live in Cape Town with my two cats Pandi and Imo who were rescued from an animal shelter by my late wife Sue and myself. My home is just a few meters from the Atlantic Sea, with Table Mountain nestled on the left hand side of an iconic picture postcard view from my balcony.

My daughter Tacita lives on a farm a short distance away, and I love spending time with her and her growing family. I have two other daughters living in the UK and am fortunate that I get to see them and my UK grandchildren every year.

Apart from my ongoing business interests, one of my joys in life is philanthropy.



y journey from a relatively sheltered childhood in Pretoria to a point of spiritual, emotional and material success, is detailed in my growing series of books in the body, mind and soul genre. I kept asking: “How did I get so blessed?”, and I decided to unpack it in the hope that my story can answer some of your questions.

My books record the evolvement of my own life path, taking the reader from my out-of-body experience of a small boy, through 60 years of research into a national lottery win early in 2017.

The distribution of that money as directed by Spirit, is a story that is covered briefly in the 9th book – New Daily Inspirational Messages from the Heart – and will be covered in fuller detail in the 10th book, I and my Father are One.

Helping people in need and supporting carefully chosen worthwhile
charities and spiritual organizations is one of the fundamental pleasures in my life.

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Keith Giemre

Spiritual Explorer & Author